The Home Remedies For Colitis is a good strategy to reduce the

Home Remedies For Colitis

The Home Remedies For Colitis is a good strategy to reduce the effects of the disease, inflammation of the large intestine or colon causes many physical diseases and diminishes the quality of life of people who have it. The disease can be both acute and chronic, depending on its severity. It is a fairly common childhood disease, although it can happen at any age. There are several types of colitis such as ulcerative colitis, ischemic colitis, colitis CMV (caused by viral infection), Crohn’s disease (regional enteritis), enterocolitis and pseudomembranous colitis.
Colitis are caused by many factors, from the acute and chronic infections, including food poisoning, inflammatory disorders, lack of blood flow, irritable bowel syndrome and others, but there are some home remedies that helps to stabilize and control the pain. So, check out the 10 Home Remedies For Colitis.

1. Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is an excellent anti-inflammatory, so it is an ideal remedy for colitis. Peque some branches of chamomile and boil in a pot with water. Serve in a glass and sweeten with honey.

2. Apples and Papaya: These fruits are a great home treatment for colitis. take 5 glasses of 250 ml during the day.

3. Carrot: The carrot juice is an excellent home remedy for colitis, due to its great anti-inflammatory action. Try to have this food in the refrigerator, which will help strengthen the immune system.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is excellent home remedy for colitis. Place the Mace vinegar on a cloth and make a compress on the abdomen. This is useful for the relief of pain and desinflamação site.

5. Acupressure: Acupressure is a good alternative treatment for colitis. This method helps to reduce the symptoms of diseases.

6. Rice Water: Rice Water is one of the oldest home remedies, known as “Grandma.” this is one of the recipes that are passed from generation to generation. In addition, it is simple to be made, come on then? grab a cup of rice and put to boil in six cups of water until the beans are tender. So coa and drink, warm or cold.

7. Licorice Root: Licorice root has anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of the gastric mucosa. It helps prevent inflammation and to prevent abdominal cramps. Place a teaspoon of dried root soup and mashed in a glass of water. Take two teaspoons a day infusion.

8. Water Cabbage: Cabbage Water is excellent home remedy for colitis. The method of preparation is similar to the rice water, just pick up some cabbage leaves and put to boil in a saucepan for 12 minutes and drink the liquid when I was cold.

9. Water: Water is essential for hydration of the body, but if you want to minimize the stress placed on your colon. Water is your friend this process, in general, the water consumption can facilitate the passage of the waste through their intestine, causing less pain and fewer problems. always try to drink from 6 to 9 per day body of water. Also, avoid drinks such as soft drinks and beverages that have caffeine.

10. Saffron: Saffron is excellent home remedy for colitis, This spice has a compound called curcumin, curcumin when used in conjunction with the acimas tips can help relieve the symptoms of colitis. so try adding a little turmeric in your diet.

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