Orthomolecular Medicine | Healthy Life

Orthomolecular Medicine

orthomolecular MedicineIt is an alternative therapy that recommended amounts of biomolecules (of vitamins for example) above the thresholds set by the World Health Organization and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA WHO).

The term “Orthomolecular” and formal theoretical basis was in 1968, coined by Linus Pauling. His interest in vitamins was born, as he himself says in his papers (which are available on line at the U.S. National Library of Medicine) due to an incurable disease that was diagnosed around age 40. Such was his interest in essential nutrients and efficiency which led him to leave all other fields of research to which he devoted his life to devote himself to the study and development of orthomolecular medicine, to which he devoted the last twenty years of his life.
Ortomolecular medicine is a branch of medicine as such, but an alternative therapy that originates in studying the biochemistry of living organisms using such substances on the human body and naturally necessary for the life, such as ascorbic acid and many other vitamins and minerals in order to restore the nutritional balance in the body. In orthomolecular medicine is considered that diseases are caused by molecular imbalances that are correctable by the administration of appropriate nutritional molecules in the right time. These causes are believed to originate biochemical aberrations, which result in accumulation of symptoms and signs, which is still the perception of a disease state. That is, some medical conditions can be described as sets of biochemical abnormalities in this discipline (we are what we eat).
Besides the standard clinical, nutritionists orthomolecular used laboratory tests, including analysis of amino acids, organic acids, vitamins and minerals, vitamins, functional status, hormones, immunology, microbiology and gastrointestinal function. Many of the newer tests have not been accepted by conventional medicine, despite gather enough features for a formal and thorough reliability of these treatments. Proponents of orthomolecular medicine argue that the economic interests of large pharmaceutical companies, who preach “A medicine for every ill”, impeding their acceptance, because vitamins are natural compounds to be very economical inpatentables and in contrast to medical treatments conventional to treat diseases such as cancer, allergies, arthritis, etc.. also given for life to the sick.
Orthomolecular therapy is to provide common body substances regularly by mouth. In the early days of orthomolecular medicine, this therapy usually meant high doses of a single nutrient. However, some conditions, according to principles of this alternative medicine require to temporarily stop or non-toxic nature of the organism, that is, compounds that do not exist naturally in the human body. Often the orthomolecular physician employs multiple vital substances (amino acids, enzymes, essential nutrients are not, hormones, vitamins, minerals, etc..) In therapeutic efforts to restore these (or substances derived from them) to normal nivelesestadísticamente in young people .
Supplementation with relatively high doses of vitamins is often given therapy and known by the name of mega-vitamin therapy is part of this field of study.

Orthomolecular Medina – Reviews and controversies
The scientific community considers it as dangerous because of the amounts of vitamins and minerals, and other nutritional substances that orthomolecular medicine administered to their patients, can cause hypervitaminosis. Orthomolecular researchers argue that there are only 27 proven cases of death due to excess vitamins in 10 years, but that does not mean that the excess of vitamins can not be harmful to health as it can cause hypercalcemia, headaches and nausea.

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