Everyone knows today that physical activities is often a totally positive habit and suitable for all those who seek beauty, health and quality of life.
However, work in a healthy way does not necessarily mean spending hours and hours in a gym, performing an exaggerated amount of exercise, with maximum possible weight.
Some exercises commonly performed in gyms – usually without professional guidance – are not given by the doctors, they may offer some risk to the body and the practitioner’s health. Still others may even be executed, provided with full attention to avoid problems.
- Squat with bar: This is a common activity in the academies for both men and women. However, according to Jomar Souza, it can provide negative results. “The exercises that generate a vertical load on the spine should be avoided. Over time, they can accelerate the natural wear of the discs of the spine, causing pain and possibly compression of nerves leaving between the vertebrae. And a classic example of this type of exercise is the squat with support from a bar on the shoulders “he says.
- Remada standing: the ability to perform the exercise called “stroke” standing creates doubt among many. According to the expert paddling standing may, in fact, overwhelming the lumbar spine. “To avoid this problem, it is important that the abdominal and paraspinal muscles are strengthened, helping to stabilize the spine while performing the exercise,”
- Development behind the neck: Another common question concerns the completion of the exercise called “development” done behind the neck. The doctor Jomar Souza points out that this is also a type of exercise that generates a vertical load on the spine. “This can be solved keeping the trunk slightly tilted back. The shoulders are burdened, no doubt, for the execution of the exercise requires a high arm above 90 °, facilitating the occurrence of tendinitis and bursitis. So the ideal is to use a lower load to prevent this type of problem, “
- Abdominal with the trunk working: some people choose to do sit-ups turning the trunk to work the abs and the obliques at the same time. However, said Jomar Souza, although the anatomy of the spine allows the rotation of the trunk, the movement may generate a shear force on the intervertebral disk, breaking its external fibers. “This opening in the fibers can, over time, allow the emergence of a herniated disc,” he says. “Of course everything will depend on the frequency with which this type of move is done, if beyond it, the practitioner also generates a load on the spine with other exercises,” adds the expert in Medical Exercise and Sports.
- Stiff her back arched: stiff enough exercise is another run in the academies. However, some people do it the wrong way, leaving her back arched. “In this case, there may be a burden on the discs of backbone and an increased kyphosis, especially if the person already has some postural deviation of the spine,”
- Shrinking shoulder rotation: the shrug aims to exercise the trapezoids. “If we make this move in front of a mirror, we note that the shoulders do not realize the rotation. When this happens, it means that the load is supported by the addition of trapezoids, with the need to rotate the shoulders to complete the movement. This maneuver can generate load on the tendon and ligament structures of the shoulder, causing inflammation and injury, “explains the expert.