Increase basal metabolism walking
In our race to lose kilos tend to forget another fundamental principle: the more muscle mass your body gets, the more we burn. The greater the mass to fat reserves, the higher your basal metabolic rate (the minimum amount of energy that the body needs each day). In short, muscle burns more calories than fat. Hence the importance of muscle gain diet.
Walking is perfect to achieve this: a regular practice, always associated to a balanced diet, it burns fat and causes the body to gain muscle. Two or three 30-minute sessions guarantee visible results from the first 3 months.
Brisk walking
To lose weight you have to walk fast walking, “that is, between 7 and 9.5 km / h,” says Lucy Knight. Specifically, you should go a kilometer and a half in 10 or 15 min., Not more. Maintain this rhythm is the key to optimizing the body’s ability to burn fat factor. When working between 60% and 70% of your heart rate, the body must draw on its reserves to get the energy needed to produce muscles, in turn, increase the basal metabolism. Result: you burn more calories throughout the day and that’s exactly our goal!
Proper technique to “burn” walking
A tip for future walkers: To get most out of your walks, the body must work like a machine set-up and movements must be chained without effort or stress. When we walk, we use various body parts while controlling the set has no science but you have to concentrate first on each. A small technical lesson “step by step” with Lucy Knight.
The correct stride
The most frequent mistake is to accelerate the pace elongating unnaturally. Try to find a stride that does not affect the fluidity of your movements.
- To begin, walk twenty steps straight ahead, shoulders relaxed and your chest open. If your head is too balanced and feel a slight stretch in the front of the leg means your strides are too large. Walking and try again. Lengthen your stride, after acórtalas. When you feel comfortable, that’s the good!
- Accelerate the pace, not lengthening your strides but giving more quick steps. Do not try to go too fast, increase the pace to where you are right. You go slowly accustomed.
Hips moving
By changing stride, you will notice that your hips sway than normal. This movement will naturally as you adjust the length of your stride. Your pelvis and hips gain mobility. Careful not to exaggerate the movement. You just have to give fluidity without being too pronounced.
A good tread
Good tread is important to walk properly. The heel should hit the ground first, and fingers are what give momentum. Practice dividing the movement parts.
- Take a step forward. When the heel hits the ground, the ankle should be flexed at an angle of about 45 °.
- Stretch the foot and supports all your weight on the front.
- When the foot is fully supported, lift the plant and the toes of the other foot and passes back leg forward without dragging the foot or lift too.
A well placed bust
Not only do you walk with your legs, your whole body participates, especially the bust.
- The head should be in, or raised, or lowered neutral. The chin must be parallel to the ground. The ideal is to look at a fixed point to 5 or 6 meters in front of you refusing to look too far to the ground, if you need it, of course.
- The shoulders must be loose and relaxed at all times. You have to swing your arms easily.
- To keep your torso upright, using your abs, and holding the lower part of the back. Put your navel inward and makes a “retroversion” of the pelvis forward (as opposed to arch your spine) to align the lower back and let loose hips.
The technique of the arms
Arms technique is essential for walking. They are the ones that help you gain momentum forward and accelerate.
- Keep your arms bent at 90 °. When you start walking, balancéalos turn without them away from the body. (The left arm forward while right foot and vice versa.) The movement comes from the shoulders. The hand must not rise above the chin and must not exceed the hip when he returns back.
- Do not close your fist, the thumb should be in contact with the fingers loosely.
Abdominal breathing
Walking is an aerobic exercise, ie, need oxygen. When you walk, the blood brings oxygen to the organs and muscles working, and thanks to this fuel can burn fat and convert it into energy. If you intensify the effort, you have to breathe more deeply to provide extra oxygen to your body, otherwise you run the risk of drowning. Realizing a deep abdominal breathing while you walk, you are increasing your breathing capacity.