Smartphone applications that use algorithms to analyze skin lesions may not be very good at determining what cancer, according to a new study suggests.
Applications are marketed as educational and therefore are not covered as medical devices in accordance with the regulations of the Food and Drug Administration. But that can not deter some patients to rely on inexpensive tools, the researchers said, which could mean a delayed diagnosis of potentially dangerous injuries.
There is no substitute, at this time, for a complete skin examination by a dermatologist expert to recognize melanoma and other skin cancers, he said Dr. Karen Edison, a dermatologist at the University of Missouri in Columbia.
In fact, even if an application make a correct diagnosis of melanoma, not necessarily would help if the patient does not know where a biopsy or no insurance to pay for it.
For the new study, researchers used 188 photos pre-diagnosed injury – 60 melanomas and 128 benign lesions – to check the accuracy of the four Smartphone applications made to look melanomas in the images shot.
Three such applications, use algorithms to determine whether a lesion is likely to be cancerous or not. The fourth sends images to a certified dermatologist for evaluation.
Of the three algorithms based on applications, failed to accurately diagnose 18 of the 60 melanomas, wrongly classifying them as low-risk.
The users of these applications must be aware that this is a big risk.
Apparently, smoking not only causes bladder cancer, but it also affects your course, where smokers are more likely to develop a more aggressive and deadly disease.
That’s one conclusion of a new study published by researchers from the American Cancer Society. The study also found that certain bladder cancer markers can predict which individual cases are at increased risk of a fatal outcome.
Researchers have known that smoking is one of the most common causes of bladder cancer, but have wondered if it also affects how the disease progresses.
To investigate, a team bladder tumors analyzed and the history of snuff in 212 patients recruited between 1987 and 1996.
The researchers found that bladder cancers that developed in people who smoked heavily were more likely to cause death than bladder cancers that developed in those who had never smoked or who smoked less. The study also revealed that changes are often present in certain proteins in bladder cancers that become deadly.
Survey results are extremely relevant clinically because bladder cancer is one of the most expensive diseases to treat. Personalized patient treatment is urgently needed for this disease because current clinical stratification can not predict the outcome of patients in each individual case.
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